السلام عليك ..
what I'm doing today??? ...
ermm ..like usual "present TENSION" hehehe..
tu adalah hasil kerja I yg pertama, doing web design for skali website....
ermmm .. for me, ofcoz la I'm not satisfied with that (look too uncreative).. it's hard for me tobecome a cretive persone ..mybe this is my 1st time... then I need to work hard with that.
Come on ADOBE.. fighting!!

Take Notes: 1. too many text, I should put some related pic 2. too many shadow
3. header should be more clear
4. the index button (remove the blending options, make it plain and emphasize to text)
5. for 1st one (colour too suram, dark bak kata orng "out of service")
6. Logo company jng pandai2 nk buat pandai ubah
7. becareful with the tone color.
8. home, contact us and so on... not suitable to put on banner part.
If I'm wrong, please correct me
teach me!!
"kehidupan adalah satu pembelajaran" -> belajarlah selagi kamu hidup
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