السلام عليكم..
last 2 weeks ago, I need to design an interface of website based from 3 scenarios that given. Here I paste the copy of the design.. check this out..
this is the 'the shop.com-the community site'. this one is the 2nd scenarios, ok...below is the main page (Index page).
below is the inner page for CHAT ROOM tab, once user click the CHAT ROOM tab, login box will popup, user need to login first before cn enter the chat room..bila dah login, barulah user boleh menggunakan chat room ni...
SHOPPING tab pulak untuk memudahkan user mencari item/product yg di kehendaki berdasarkan jenis barangan yg dicari, nama item, location and zip code... database akan search the nearest shop based on that information... the nearest address shop will list up with the price and user can click the address link to see the shop location map..

the design for scenarios 1 n 3 I will upload when I finish the retouch.

the design for scenarios 1 n 3 I will upload when I finish the retouch.
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